Unifor Local 899 Alberta Union Executive Roles


President (elected in even years)

– Oversee all union issues

– Run all executive monthly meetings and general membership meeting

– The President shall be responsible for executing the policies and decisions of the membership and the Local Executive Board.

– The President shall call and convene meetings of the membership and the Executive Board as established under these Bylaws.  The President and his/her designate shall preside over all such meetings.

– The President shall promptly have removed from any meeting, any member who disturbs the peace.

– The President may appoint such special committees as he/she may deem necessary to assist him/her in carrying out his/her functions and duties, provided that such appointments shall not conflict with the Unifor Constitution.  The appointment or change of such committees shall be ratified at the next regular Local Executive Board meeting.

– The President shall be the spokesperson for the Local Union.

– The President shall automatically be a member of all committees by virtue of his/her office.

Vice Presidents (elected in odd years in both Edmonton and Calgary)

– Oversee the health and safety committee

– Provide reports to the executive

– Provide the executive with a station report

– Meet all new hires to introduce them to the union

– The Vice Presidents shall be responsible for the day to day administration of Local Union matters within their respective locations and as further assigned by the President.

– The Vice Presidents shall preside over membership meetings at their respective locations when the President is unable to attend.

– The Vice President-Calgary shall act in the temporary absence of the President during even-numbered years.  The Vice President-Edmonton shall act in the temporary absence of the President during odd-numbered years.

Treasurer (elected in even years)

– Oversee the accounts of the union

– Annual review

– Insurance renewals

– Formulate a quarterly report to Unifor National

– The Treasurer shall pay all bills of the Local which have been approved by the Local Executive Board or which are authorized by the Local bylaws.

The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities of the Local, receive and give receipts for all monies due and payable to the Local from any source whatsoever and deposit all such monies in the name of the Local with such banks or investment institutions as shall be authorized as depositories by the Local Executive Board.

– The Treasurer shall render an accounting to the Executive Board at each regular Board meeting and to the membership at all General Membership Meetings of all the monies disbursed and collected.

– The Treasurer shall act in the temporary absence of the Associate Treasurer.

Associate Treasurer (elected in even years)

– Work under the direction of the Treasurer and oversee the duties in the opposite location

– Write monthly honorarium & expense reimbursement checks for members 

– Print out members’ expense forms and receipts & email them to the Treasurer

– Make purchases incl. donations on members’ behalf & fill out expense forms for reimbursement

– Coordinate check signing with fellow executive member with signing authority

– Ensure delivery of checks in-person or by mail

– Fill out monthly honorarium forms for the union executive

– The Associate Treasurer location will be based on the results of the election of the Treasurer.

– The Associate Treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds and securities issued out of their respective location. They will receive and give receipts for all monies due and payable to the Local from any source whatsoever and deposit all such monies in the name of the Local with such banks or investment institutions as shall be authorized as depositories by the Local Executive Board.

– The Associate Treasurer shall have signing authority, but be limited to issuing cheques of not more than $1000, without prior approval from the Local Executive Board or the Membership.

– The Associate Treasurer shall submit all receipts and a record of transactions via e-mail to the Treasurer every (2) two weeks. Hard Copies of all transactions must be submitted to the Treasurer (1) week prior to the next regularly scheduled Local Executive Board meeting.

– The Associate Treasurer shall act in the temporary absence of the Treasurer

Secretary (elected in odd years in both Edmonton & Calgary)

– Take minutes of all meetings

– Compile & keep contact information for membership

– Book group hotel rooms

– Collect mail

– The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence pertaining to the business of the Local and shall keep the official records of the Local.

– The Secretary shall give notice of all General, Special and Executive Board meetings and all elections, as provided in these bylaws.

– The Secretary shall record the minutes of membership meetings.

– The Secretary shall act in the temporary absence of the Associate Secretary.

Chief Stewards (elected in even years in both Edmonton & Calgary)

– Book hall meeting rooms

– Organize food for the meetings

– Keep numbers of membership and vacant positions of the union

– Update the bulletin boards

– Meet new members and explain the union

– The Chief Stewards shall perform all the duties of a Steward as set out in these bylaws and shall act as

Chairperson of all Stewards’ meetings at their respective locations.

– The Chief Stewards shall act in the temporary absence of the Vice President at the affected location.

– The Chief Stewards shall have charge of and be responsible for the handling of applications for membership in the Local.