Article 13 – Union/Company Committees

Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 | Category: | Author:

The Union and the Company shall exchange in writing, the names of their Negotiating, Grievance, Safety, Joint Consultative Committee members and Educational Trust Fund Trustees.

There shall be a Joint Consultative Committee at each location for the purpose of reviewing and discussing matters of mutual concern relative to the employees and the Company. This Committee shall not be empowered to alter or abridge any of the terms and conditions of the Collective Agreement but may make joint recommendations to the Union and the Company. The Committee meetings shall be held at the call of either Party on a mutually agreeable date. 

There shall be a Health and Safety Committee, comprised of two (2) representatives of the Company and two (2) representatives of the Union at each location. The terms of reference for the Committee shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Canada Labour Code. 

The Union agrees that whenever possible, it shall avoid the appointment of more than one employee from a Company section to serve on a Committee as set out in Article 13.1 above. Should it become necessary to appoint more than one employee from a section to serve on a Committee, the Union shall give reason(s) to the Company, in writing, explaining why such action was necessary. A “section” is comprised of one or more employees who are responsible to a particular supervisor.