Date: Friday, April 15, 2016 | Category: Collective Agreement | Author: UniforAdmin
The parties hereby agree to the establishment of job sharing arrangements involving bargaining unit employees, subject to the following:
1. Job sharing shall be defined as an arrangement whereby two employees are allowed to split one full-time job.
2. Where two (2) employees (normally in the same job classification) wish to enter into a job sharing arrangement and provided the Company has determined that both employees possess the occupational qualification, skills and abilities to perform a full-time job, the Company may establish such a job sharing arrangement.
3. The decision to approve or deny a job share request is at the sole discretion of the Company and is not subject to the grievance or arbitration procedure. Such decision shall be made in a manner that is bona fide, non-arbitrary and non-discriminatory.
4. It is agreed that the establishment of a job sharing arrangement shall not result in the elimination of a full-time job, result in the layoff of any employee, be used to avoid replacing a full-time employee, or affect the long term scope of the bargaining unit.
5. A full-time employee may make a request in writing to their department manager for a job sharing arrangement indicating in detail, the reason for the request, including the hours and days of the week the employee wishes to work. A copy of such application shall be forwarded to the Senior Consultant, Human Resources and the Union.
6. The Company shall post the part-time job sharing opportunity for a minimum of five (5) working days. However, where two employees request a job share, there shall be no posting requirement.
7. Only one of the employees participating in the job sharing arrangement shall be a full-time employee prior to commencement of the arrangement.
8. Employees participating in a job sharing arrangement shall be covered by the provision of the current Collective Agreement, except herein provided:
(a) A full-time employee who participates in a job sharing arrangement shall retain his or her status as full-time under the Agreement.
(b) Seniority for the full-time employee will continue to accrue during the job share on a pro-rated basis.
(c) Vacation credits for the full-time employee shall be pro-rated to the number of hours worked.
(d) General holidays shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Collective Agreement applicable to part-time employees, as described in Article 4.26.
(e) intentionally left blank.
(f) Such employees shall be paid on an hourly basis of the group and salary level to which the employee is assigned.
(g) The provisions of Article 27, 28 and 31 of the Collective Agreement which provide a premium when the Company fails to give advance notice of overtime or shift changes shall not apply.
(h) Overtime provisions for both participants shall be governed by Article 4 of this Agreement.
(i) Sick leave for both participants will be in accordance with Article 37.
(j) The participating full-time employee’s salary advancement will occur in accordance with Article 4.13.
Sub-paragraph (i) will be applicable to all new job share arrangements entered into after January 19th, 2010.
Sub-paragraph (j) will be applicable to all participants in a job share arrangement, both existing and those entered into going forward.
Both parties agree that for job share arrangements in effect at January 1st, 2010, sub-paragraph (j) will be applied after the full-time employee’s anniversary date immediately following January 1st, 2010.
9. The Company or any participant in a job sharing arrangement may terminate such arrangement by providing as much advance notice as possible, but in no event less than two (2) weeks advance written notice.
10. Upon termination of a job sharing arrangement, the full-time participant shall be entitled to remain in the full-time position.
11. This Letter of Understanding may be terminated by either Party, upon provision of one month’s notice in writing to the other Party.
12. When a part-time participant in a job share is unavailable to fill a shift, other qualified part-time/casual employees shall be contacted first to fill the shift. Only when other qualified employees are unavailable, shall the full-time member of job share be obligated to fill the shift.
13. When a full-time employee in a job share is on vacation, the employee cannot be obligated to fill vacant shifts if the part-time employee is unavailable.